~~NOTOC~~ {{infobox> name = [[spuser>1|MixaMega]] image = https://sandpile.xyz/content/a7bcf399-38f34357-4c138126-7a446b8d.png Member since = October 11th, 2023 Birthday = Unknown Notable creations = Founding and owning SandPile, Client Development, Website Development, Events Management }} ====== MixaMega ====== ===== History ===== **MixaMega** is the lead developer & creator of SandPile. Before founding sandpile, MixaMega was the lead developer of MixaHosting which was a hosting platform for BrickHill. write more stuff here ===== Creations ===== ==== Founding SandPile ==== write stuff here we need to make a wiki page for the history of sandpile ==== Client Development ==== MixaMega kind of copied the BrickHill client but he will release a new client this year. ==== Website Development ==== write stuff here ==== Events Management ==== write stuff here