====== Overview ====== ---- **Sand Cash** is the currency of SandPile. It can be exchanged for various items, whether that be [[cosmetics|Cosmetics]], [[clothing|Clothing]], just about anything created by Users. [[sets|Sets]], however, cannot be set on sale for Sand Cash. ---- $10 will be granted daily if the User logs in. If the User has just created their account, and it is their first time logging in, they will be granted $20. You will get Sand Cash for every sale, such as [[badges|Badges]], [[cosmetics|Cosmetics]], [[clothing|Clothing]], [[developer_shop|Textures]] or [[developer_shop|Models]]. Every visit on a [[sets|Set]] will grant the creator $1. If the same User keeps joining over and over again, though, the creator will not be granted any Sand Cash. ===== Media ===== ---- {{:handfulsand.png?298}} {{:stackofsand.png?298}} {{:wholelottasand.png?298}}