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Member since

September 27th, 2024


9th July, 2008

Notable creations

SandPile Youtuber



Before joining SandPile, phone liked playing brick lego games like Roblox and Brick-Hill. His YouTube channel was dedicated to Roblox, but in June of 2024 he started recording Brick-Hill videos. After Brick-Hill's shutdown, phone started to focus on recording videos about SandPile. He left because he got mad what he didn't got the safety cone in Nuclear Winter.


phone's youtube channel username is @kelan79. phone's first YouTube video about SandPile was uploaded on the 9th of September, 2024 (this is the 7th video about SandPile on YouTube). He used to play on his other account kelle, which he changed to phone, because he wanted to change his username.

notable_contentcreators/phone.1739014254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/08 12:30 by umbrellas